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How to Connect to Eden Relay

Eden Relay fully conforms to the most recent Builder API spec. As such, your validator client already supports using Eden Relay out of the box. All that is needed to use Eden Relay for block production are some simple command line flags in your chosen client (see below).

Not Recommended

This is not the recommended way to connect to the Eden Relay.

You should connect using MEV-Boost instead. See our mev-boost implementation guide

Relay Info

Configure Consensus Client


To use Eden Relay as your source for block production with Prysm, you simply need to add the following flag to your beacon node client:


And the following to your validator client:



To use Eden Relay as your source for block production with Lighthouse, you simply need to add the following flag to your beacon node client:


And the following to your validator client:


See official Lighthouse Documentation for more details and advanced configuration options.


To use Eden Relay as your source for block production with Teku where your beacon node and validator are run in the same process, you simply need to add the following flags to your client:


If you are running a Teku setup where your beacon node and validator are run in different processes, your setup should look like the following:

Validator client:

teku validator-client --validators-proposer-blinded-blocks-enabled=true --validators-proposer-config="/etc/teku/proposerConfig.json"

Proposer configuration:

"proposer_config": {
"0xa057816155ad77931185101128655c0191bd0214c201ca48ed887f6c4c6adf334070efcd75140eada5ac83a92506dd7a": {
"fee_recipient": "0x50155530FCE8a85ec7055A5F8b2bE214B3DaeFd3",
"default_config": {
"fee_recipient": "0x6e35733c5af9B61374A128e6F85f553aF09ff89A",
"builder": {
"enabled": true

Beacon node:

teku --validators-proposer-default-fee-recipient="0x6e35733c5af9B61374A128e6F85f553aF09ff89A" --ee-endpoint="" --ee-jwt-secret-file="/etc/jwt-secret.hex" --builder-endpoint=""

See official Teku Documentation for more details and advanced configuration options.


To use Eden Relay as your source for block production with Lodestar, you simply need to add the following flag to your beacon node client:

Beacon node:

--builder --builder.urls

Validator client:

--builder --suggestedFeeRecipient <your ethereum address>

See official Lodestar Documentation for more details and advanced configuration options.


To use Eden Relay as your source for block production with Nimbus, you simply need to add the following flag to your beacon node client:

Beacon node:

./ --payload-builder=true --payload-builder-url=

Validator client:

build/nimbus_validator_client --payload-builder=true

See official Nimbus Documentation for more details and advanced configuration options.