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Bundle Cancellations

Eden supports replacing and cancelling bundles by passing a standard UUIDv4 identifier as an optional parameter with your bundles. To use this feature send your bundles to the same RPC endpoint used for normal bundles: using this parameter as described below.

Unique Identifier for Bundles

Bundles can be replaced and canceled using a unique identifier (replacementUuid) assigned to a bundle at the time of submission.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendBundle",
"params": [
replacementUuid, // UUIDv4 to uniquely identify submission

Replace a Bundle

Submit your new replacement bundle with the same replacementUuid value in order to replace a bundle.

  • Use the same method eth_sendBundle.
  • Use the same value for replacementUuid as the original bundle you wish to replace.

Your original bundle MUST have been sent with a replacementUuid specified.

Cancel a Bundles

Call the method eth_cancelBundle in order to cancel a bundle. Or use the cancelBundle function in your preferred Flashbots library.

Your bundle MUST have been sent with a replacementUuid specified.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_cancelBundle",
"params": [
replacementUuid, // UUIDv4 to uniquely identify submission