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ERC-4337 Overview

A quick overview of the standard for developers.


The purpose of this page is to provide developers with a simplified overview of the ERC-4337.

While the page provides a simplified introduction to account abstraction, it is important to note that for a complete and detailed understanding of the standard, developers should refer to the full ERC-4337 specification.


There are four main components to ERC-4337: a UserOperation, Bundler, EntryPoint, and Contract Account. These can be supplemented by Paymasters and Aggregators.

Major components of ERC-4337

  • UserOperations are pseudo-transaction objects that are used to execute transactions with contract accounts. These are created by your app.
  • Bundlers are actors that package UserOperations from a mempool and send them to the EntryPoint contract on the blockchain.
  • EntryPoint is a smart contract that handles the verification and execution logic for transactions.
  • Contract Accounts are smart contract accounts owned by a user.
  • Paymasters are optional smart contract accounts that can sponsor transactions for Contract Accounts.
  • Aggregators are optional smart contracts that can validate signatures for Contract Accounts.


A UserOperation captures user’s intent and operations including the sender, payload, and gas-related information. As it was designed to avoid the need for consensus change, the Ethereum team opted to create a completely new structure that captures all required elements of a transaction to be sent on behalf of a user.

To avoid any confusion, they specifically did not label it a “transaction”.

senderaddressThe address of the smart contract account
nonceuint256Anti-replay protection
initCodebytesCode used to deploy the account if not yet on-chain
callDatabytesData that's passed to the sender for execution
callGasLimituint256Gas limit for execution phase
verificationGasLimituint256Gas limit for verification phase
preVerificationGasuint256Gas to compensate the bundler
maxFeePerGasuint256Similar to EIP-1559 max fee
maxPriorityFeePerGasuint256Similar to EIP-1559 priority fee
paymasterAndDatabytesPaymaster Contract address and any extra data required for verification and execution
signaturebytesUsed to validate a UserOperation along with the nonce during verification


A Bundler is a class of actors that can do several things:

  • Listen in to a UserOperation mempool.
  • Runs simulations.
  • Bundles an array of operations.
  • Relays bundles to the EntryPoint.

The dedicated UserOperation mempool is separate and not to be confused with the regular transaction mempool.


Although a public P2P UserOperation mempool is still a work in progress, the advantages of account abstraction can still be leveraged today by relying on private mempools that anyone can spin up.


The EntryPoint is a contract that acts as a central entity for all ERC-4337 accounts and paymasters. It coordinates the verification and execution of a UserOperation. For this reason, it's important for all implementations of an EntryPoint to be audited and not controllable by any single entity.

ERC-4337 EntryPoint Sequence

The following image and sequence explain how the EntryPoint manages a batch of UserOperations sent by the Bundler. Typically, there are two phases involved, but in the case that the bundle utilizes an aggregator, an additional phase is added.

The EntryPoint sequence is relatively simple and has two real journeys:

  • If there is an aggregator: Aggregator Loop -> Verification Loop -> Execution Loop
  • If there is not an aggregator: Verification Loop -> Execution Loop
  1. Aggregator loop:
    • If aggregators are used in a bundle, the EntryPoint checks them first. It validates the signature.
  2. Verification loop:
    • Checks if a contract account exists. If it doesn’t, it gets created via a CREATE2 “factory” contract.
    • If a Paymaster is not defined:
      • The sequence verifies if the Contract Account has a sufficient deposit in the EntryPoint to pay for gas.
      • If it does it then the UserOperation is paid for using this balance and the operation is validated.
    • If the Paymaster is defined:
      • The sequence verifies if the paymaster has sufficient deposits in the EntryPoint contract.
        • If it does, the contract then validates the UserOperation.
  3. Execution loop:
    • Sends the callData in each UserOperation to the Account Contract.
    • Any unused gas fee is refunded to the Account Contract or a function is called on the Paymaster Contract to run any required fee logic.
    • If all of the above steps are successful, the operation will be added to the chain

Contract Account

The Contract Account is an end user's account. At minimum it needs to check whether or not it will accept a UserOperation during the verification loop.

Additional features to support other account functions like social recovery and multi-operations can be added here too.


An Aggregator is a special class of actors that utilize a helper smart contract to convert a group of UserOperation signatures into one signature, thereby aggregating them.


A Paymaster is an optional stakeholder that can sponsor transactions for other users. Why? A Paymaster can be used to enable a number of interesting new features for transacting on Ethereum, for instance:

  • Application developers can easily subsidize fees for their users e.g. as an onboarding/acquisition promotion
  • Users can easily pay gas fees with ERC-20 tokens or off-chain payment methods like credit cards or other subscription services.


In the picture below, you can see all components together. If you are interested in a more detailed overview of core components you can get more information in our article on ERC 4337.

How ERC-4337 works